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10 days ago
Extinguish turns your screen off but keeps your device awake (not going to the lock screen), which let other apps run on screen off.

"Extinguish turns off the screen using Android's hidden function. It truly turns off the device’s screen rather than displaying a black overlay, making it suitable for different types of screens, including LCD and OLED.

The behavior of systems modified by device manufacturers may differ from the expected one. As a result, Extinguish may not function correctly on some systems."

Extinguish can achieve the following behaviors: turn off the screen and hang up, temporarily turn off the screen when listening to others while getting note, listen to videos with your screen off, etc. In daily usage, the screen consumes about 10% to 20% of your device’s power consumption. And on OLED screen, the screen is lit for a long time or displaying one screen for a long time may lead to screen burn. But with Extinguish you can avoid all of these.

The app uses the Shizuku API.

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