Fundamentals of Manufacturing Materials, Processes & Systems

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Fundamentals of Manufacturing Materials, Processes & Systems

4 months ago
Maximize Your Potential as a Manufacturing Engineer: Expertise in Plastics and Metals Manufacturing Processes - (CMfgE)

This course provides an introduction to the manufacturing processes that are used in industry to manufacture products that are widely used in daily life.

Introduction to Manufacturing: Types of manufacturing industries, materials used in manufacturing and properties of materials, different processing operation.

Sand Casting:

Introduction: Sand casting, molding, heating, pouring, solidification, and cooling. Pattern: making, material, types, construction, pattern allowances.

Core: making, types, sand conditioning, testing of the sand, molding process, tools and equipment, molding machines, different types of casting, cleaning and finishing of castings, an inspection of castings.

Permanent Mold Casting (PMC): Introduction, types of PMC, gravity die casting, and its types. Pressure die casting, Centrifugal casting, and their types. Furnaces used in PMC.

Metal Forming:
Fundamentals, Types, hot, warm, and cold working.
Bulk Deformation Processes:

Rolling; rolled products, rolling types: flat, shape, thread, gear, ring rolling, and rolling mill configurations.

Forging; open die, impression die, press, upset, roll, net shape, isothermal forging and swaging.

Extrusion; solid & hollow shapes, direct & indirect, hot & cold, continuous & discrete, impact extrusion, hydrostatic.

Drawing; bar, wire, tube drawing and its types tike tube sinking, fixed mandrel, floating plug.
Other metal forming processes; roll extrusion, riveting, staking, peening, coining, hubbing, burnishing.

Sheet metal forming processes: Shearing operations: slitting, blanking, piercing, cutoff, parting, dinking, slotting, perforating, notching, semi-notching, lancing, nibbling, trimming, shaving, fine blanking. Bending operations: V bending, edge bending, flanging, curling, hemming, seaming. Drawing operations like deep and shallow drawing, embossing.

Welding Processes: Classification, Fusion welding and its types such as oxyfuel gas welding and oxygen torch cutting, arc welding (shielded metal, flux-cored, gas metal, submerged, gas tungsten, plasma, stud welding, Arc cutting), resistance welding (spot, seam and projection. Heating, pressure, current control and power supply for resistance welding).
Solid-state welding and its types include diffusion welding, friction welding, and ultrasonic welding.

Other welding processes: Forge, Roll, Friction, Explosion, Thermic, Electron beam, Laser welding and cutting, Brazing and Soldering.

Fabrication of Plastics: Casting, Blow molding and its types, Compression molding, Transfer molding, Cold molding, Injection molding: Injection molding machine, mold design, and construction, types of mold, cooling and ejection of mold, Reaction injection molding, Welding of plastics.

In the end, there are videos that are videos related to the course for better understanding.

Course Outline

Introduction to Manufacturing:

Lecture 1

Introduction to Manufacturing Processes

What is manufacturing

Manufacturing Industries

Manufacturing Products

Production Quantity and Product variety

Materials in Manufacturing

Manufacturing Processes (Processing operations and Assembly operations)

Sand Casting:

Lecture 2

Overview of casting technologies

Difference between casting and molding

Advantages and Disadvantages of casting processes

Casting Processes (Expendable mold casting and permanent mold casting)

Lecture 3

Sand casting and Engineering analysis of sand casting y sand

Pouring and Engineering Analysis of Pouring

Flow rate and time required to fill the mold


Solidification and Cooling

Lecture 4

Solidification of pure metals and alloys (Alloys and Eutectic Alloys)

Solidification time and Shrinkage

Directional Solidification

Lecture 5

Riser Design with Exercise Problems.

Lecture 6

Pattern for casting

Materials used for pattern

Types of pattern

Mold making and Classification of sand molds

What is foundry sand?

Lecture 7

Buoyancy Force

Metal casting processes

Shell molding

Advantages and Disadvantages of Shell molding

Vacuum molding

Advantages and Disadvantages of Vacuum molding

Expanded Polystyrene Casting

Advantages and Disadvantages of Expanded Polystyrene Casting

Investment casting

Plaster and Ceramic Mold casting

Permanent Mold Casting (PMC):

Lecture 8

Types of pattern allowance (Shrinkage and contraction allowance, Draft allowance, Machining allowance, and Distortion allowance)

Permanent mold casting and its Applications.

Slush casting

Low-pressure casting

Vacuum permanent mold casting

Die casting (Hot and cold chamber die casting)

Advantages and Limitations

Centrifugal casting and Semi centrifugal casting

Lecture 9


Cupolas Furnace

Direct Fuel Fired Furnace

Crucible Furnace

Electric Arc Furnace

Induction Furnace

Metal Forming:

Lecture 10

Fundamentals of metal forming

Types of deformation processes of metal

Bulk deformation (Rolling, Forging, Extrusion, Wire Drawing)

Sheet metal working

Stress-Strain Curve

Derivation of the relation between stress and strain

Flow stress and Average flow stress

The temperature in metal forming (Cold working and Hot-working)


Iso thermal forming (recovery and Grain growth)

Strain rate Sensitivity

Lecture 11

Introduction of rolling

Shapes used for rolling

Types of rolling

Working of the rolling process

Analysis of the rolling

Rolling mills

No-Slip Point for rolling

Flatness control and rolling defect

Lecture 12

Numerical Problems related to the rolling process

Lecture 13

Introduction to forging

Classification of forging

Types of forging

Analysis of the forging

Barreling effect in forging

Open Die forging and its practices

Impression Die forging and its practices

Advantages and Limitations of Impression Die forging

Fleshless forging

Forging Press and Forging Hammers

Lecture 14

Numerical Problems related to the forging process

Lecture 15

Introduction to the extrusion process

Classification of extrusion

Direct and Indirect extrusion

Hot and Cold extrusion

Direct and Continuous extrusion

Analysis of the extrusion process

Effect of friction on extrusion

Extrusion Dies and Orifice

Extrusion press and other extrusion processes

Lecture 16

Numerical Problems related to the extrusion process

Introduction to Drawing

Difference between drawing and wire drawing

Bar Drawing

Wire Drawing

Features of Draw Die

Preparation of the work

Analysis of the drawing process

Sheet metal forming processes:

Lecture 17

Introduction to sheet metal cutting process

Characteristics of Edges

Types of sheet metal cutting


Blanking and Punching

Clearance in Sheet metal cutting

Analysis of sheet metal cutting processes

Numerical Problems related to the sheet metal cutting process

Lecture 18

Introduction of sheet metal bending process

Types of sheet metal bending

Analysis of the sheet metal bending process

Numerical Problems related to the sheet metal bending process

Spring Back

Lecture 19

Introduction to the drawing process

Mechanics of drawing

Stages of deformation

Analysis of the drawing process

Tests of Drawing Feasibility

Blank force and blank size determination

Numerical Problems related to the drawing process

Lecture 20

Other drawing processes (Redrawing, Reverse Drawing and Drawing without Blank holder)

Defects in Drawing

The operation performed with metal tooling


Coining & Embossing

Lancing & Twisting

The operation performed with flexible Rubber tooling

Guerin and Hydro forming process

Lecture 21

Numerical Problems related to the other drawing processes

Welding Processes:

Lecture 22

Fundamentals of welding

Difference between joining and welding

Advantages and Disadvantages of Welding

History of welding

Types of the welding process

Components used for welding process (Filler material, Flux, and Electrolyte)

Consumable and Non-consumable electrolyte

Welding positions

Welding Electrode Nomenclature

Type of Weld Joints (Butt joint, Corner Joint, Lap joint, Tee Joint, Edge Joint)

Types of Weld (Filler Weld, Groove Weld, Plug weld or slot weld, Spot and Seam weld, Flange and Surface Weld)

Features of Fusion Welded Joints

Physics of welding (Power Density and Numerical of Power Density)

Heat Balance in Fusion Welding

Welding as Commercial Operation

Automation in Welding (Machine, Automatic and Robotic)

Welding Safety

Lecture 23

Welding Categories (Fusion Welding, Solid State Welding, Soldering and Brazing)

Arc Welding

Arc Shielding

The power source in Arc welding

Types of Arc Welding (Shielding metal arc welding, Gas Metal Arc Welding, Flux Cored Arc Welding, Submerged Arc Welding,

Gas Tungsten welding

Plasma arc welding

Lecture 24

Oxyfuel arc welding

Oxyacetylene welding

Resistance welding

Spot Welding

Resistance seam welding

Resistance projection welding

Energy beam welding (Electron beam welding, Laser beam welding)

Numerical Problems related to the welding processes

Lecture 25

Numerical Problems Related to the welding processes

Lecture 26

Solid-state welding

Types of solid-state welding

(Diffusion welding, Friction welding, and Ultrasonic welding)

Welding Defects of Solid State Welding

Brazing and Soldering

Fabrication of Plastics:

Lecture 27


Type of Plastics

Properties of polymer melt (Viscosity and Viscoelasticity)

Extrusion process for Plastics in detail

Extruder Screw

Feed Section

Compression Section

Metering Section

Process Parameters

Solid and Hollow Profiles

Wire and Tube coating

Defects in the extrusion process

Lecture 28

Injection molding for Plastics in detail





Application and Material

Advantages and Disadvantages

Lecture 29

Blow Molding

Extrusion Blow Molding

Injection Blow Molding

Stretched Blow Molding

Compression Molding

Transfer Molding (A pot transfer molding and B plunger-type transfer molding)

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