Launch a Product on Amazon FBA - Case Study Free Course Coupon
I am inspired every day by you, the community of Amazon sellers: entrepreneurial, supportive, ambitious and energetic. Your passion for building big and meaningful businesses is contagious, and I thrive on it every day. Seriously.
“If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough.”
Years ago when I started selling on Amazon, I didn’t have the slightest clue that my life would be so impacted by Amazon sellers. I am so lucky to have met such incredible people.
OK, so I didn't want to sound like I'm giving an Oscars speech, but I want to give back to the community that has given me so much. I think that there are a few ways that I can do so: time, money, and coaching.
I want to bring you in on my latest project, which I am ambitiously calling, “The Million Dollar Case Study”.
In short, I am going to sell one million dollar’s in physical products via ecommerce. The best part is, I will document every step of the way.
In the end, we will donate all proceeds to a charity. It is going to be an amazing journey, and I want you to come along for the ride!
How We Will Get There
With the collaborative launch last year, we launched Jungle Stix—the bamboo marshmallow sticks that sold nearly $200k in the first year.
Here's a snapshot of our sales (on a monthly basis) from January 1st, 2016 through February 1st 2017. $203k in that time frame. I'll take that!
That was a big success, and ultimately we raised more than $51k that we’ve donated to Doctors without Borders! Heck yeah, that was a win for all of us!
So how is this Million Dollar Case Study going to work?
The process is going to be very similar to what we did with Jungle Stix:
- Generate Product Ideas
- Find a Supplier
- Import the product
- Sell on Amazon
Of course that is a very simplified overview, but don’t worry, I am going to share every detail of the journey.
What I think is more interesting this time around is the Amazon environment. As an ever-changing space it is now more competitive, with more sophisticated sellers, and of course more customers as well!
There are a few wrinkles that we are going to be exploring this time around…
- Generate Sales Outside of Amazon: With our big hairy audacious goal of a million dollars in sales, we are going to have to squeeze sales from new channels. Specifically, I want to start a standalone webstore (we have one for Jungle Stix ) and try to generate sales from the site. I will dive into this a lot more in the near future, but I think that we can use a shopping cart solution (think Shopify), to put up our product and create more sales. There's even a nifty little Shopify/Amazon integration to make the process even easier. More on that later…
- International Marketplaces: I think going forward, one of the gaping opportunities for sellers around the world will be leveraging Amazon’s expanding footprint in new countries. I have already spotted hundreds of opportunities in each of the new marketplaces that Jungle Scout now supports, including UK, Canada, Mexico, France, Germany, and many more. I want to try selling products in these markets, which will be an interesting learning experience for everyone. And it will (hopefully) accelerate our progress towards a million dollars!
- Multiple Products: If you create a brand, like we did with Jungle Creations (the parent brand) and Jungle Stix (the product, ie marshmallow sticks), you can generate incremental sales just by virtue of Amazon's recommendation algorithm. So I am thinking that if I create a brand of complementary products, we can sell more on Amazon, and have a robust website to get more sales. Win win!
This case study will help you
I am going to host webinars for every step of the process. Similar to the Jungle Stix case study, you will have “over-the-shoulder” access to follow me, so you can then use the same strategies and tactics that I have.
But this time around, I want this to be an immersive learning experience. That means I want you to follow along, and take action alongside me. So in theory, you would be launching your own products alongside me, in real time.
Not sure exactly how to sell on Amazon, or what you wil..